Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So today it came to my attention. And for the first time i truly noticed it and realized how annoying it can be. As i sit here thinking about it i wonder if others feel the same about such a thing.

Everyone is doing it, only over the internet of course, elsewhere would be weird. It is an epidemic, that needs to be cured. The chances of success are at about 12.3%. Im talking about the word/phrase "haha". But this discussion also includes lol and any other laughing phrases.

Now let me explain. Haha is over used. plain and simple. Im not talking about a response, as in if a joke is told, and the response is haha. Im talking about as a filler. Dont know what i mean? let me enlighten you. People use the phrase commonly after sentences, as if it belongs there. Q:"where did you go today?" A:"i went to the mall haha" or Q:"i'll bring the taco ingredients what will you bring?" A: "ill bring desert since the tacos are covered haha". These uses of the phrase are so common in todays conversations that they are almost accepted.

But i wonder why... or how this came to be. No one in face to face conversations use this phrase so lightly. yes, i know that when you are actually speaking it is considered laughing, but still. no one states random facts, and finishes up with a laugh. unless they are in a very uncomfortable situation. Maybe that is it? everyone, when typing, whether it be on a phone or a computer or whatever, is uncomfortable? this i do not know. I can only hope that this problem will stop.

Expect posts more frequently haha. ...

until next time.

*** Disclaimer - I am also guilty of the haha use.


  1. I feel the same way and noticed it the same time you did lol. This can be proven by viewing a certain facebook thread and my response to the previously stated "Taco Example" haha. My response, of course, being HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, to exemplify in a sarcastic tone that nothing was actually funny about that statement or the statement preceding it lol. haha. lmfao. lmao. LAWLZ

  2. my favorite is the double use "haha. lol."
